This forum is dedicated to all forms of Invicta watches and the people who wear them. Invicta watches are a great way to start watch collecting, without spending a lot of money. They are quality watches, which will serve the average consumer, far beyond what is spent on them. There are very economical Invictas, all the way up to Invictas suitable for world leaders, captains of industry, celebrities and the like.
Ladies and gentlemen, please free to post any and all questions, comments, reviews and/or anything else about The Fabulous Invicta Watches! Additionally, on this Invicta watch forum, you will not be penalized or reprimanded for off-topic posts, as long as most of your posts are about Invictas.
We are all Invicta watch fans, but we also have other aspects of our lives, that we would sometimes like to share with other Invicta watch enthusiasts. Invicta is a watch, but for many, Invicta is also part of our lifestyle. All of your positive thoughts, ideas, experiences and comments are warmly welcomed, without judgment! Please do take note however; no insults, blatant negativity, obvious spamming, fighting, flaming or offensive posts will be tolerated at all. Let’s keep it positive and talk about how our Invicta watches have enriched our lives!
DISCLAIMER: Although, it is highly recommended that you visit them, this forum is not associated, nor affiliated in any way with Invicta Watches or the Invicta Watch Store.
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